About Us

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Market Delta was born out of the necessity to find proven strategies that beat the market consistently. Each of our strategies is back tested with industry standard data and practices, our daily back testing periods extend 20+ and we use walk forward optimization in order to provide the most robust parameters for profitability in each strategy.

Our goal is to provide as many strategies as possible that beat the market in different conditions, whether it is long term, short-term or with other metrics.


How to start

Head over to our members area

Select how much capital you would want to invest.

Select the number of stocks to invest in, due to diversification, using more stocks tends to be considered less risky but it also lowers the overall returns of the strategy.

We find the sweet spot to be at 4 but you are encouraged to use a number that makes more sense to you 

Select the style of investments, we have created two different datasets, conservative and aggressive or a mixture of both called mixed which has provided the most robust and best returns in the long term

Click on calculate, the algorithm will show the current stocks it would select and divide the capital in order to provide the amount of each stock.